Situational Mapping
Situational Mapping fosters a greater sensitivity to elements influencing fieldwork, including the researcher’s position, movement, and connections.
Situational Mapping fosters a greater sensitivity to elements influencing fieldwork, including the researcher’s position, movement, and connections.
Qualitative research involves the logics of both inductive and deductive thinking. These are not binary opposite concepts, but rather moments, cycles of thinking and sensemaking.
In the special issue of Social Media + Society, authors re-envision frameworks for ethics in the 21st century, focusing on ethics as method and methods as ethic.
Focus on conceptual and methodological frameworks for studying the use of digital media or digital technologies in everyday life, studying digital or virtual culture, or studying social contexts that are digitally-saturated.
Notes and images from talk on Data Stewardship at Social Media & Society Conference preconference at Ryerson University. Impact method for Data Ethics.
I gave a keynote last week for the 2017 Death Online Research Symposium. To wrap up, as the fourth (of four) keynotes, I focused the discussion on techniques and vocabularies for doing research of sensitive topics, or in precarious situations