Digital Living Summer School: 2014 in Aarhus

Digital Living Summer School: 2014 in Aarhus

Our first annual summer school will be held August 11-22, 2014, in Aarhus, Denmark. A lineup of fantastic international scholars will give lectures, facilitate workshops, and engage in creative making with students.

From Network Analysis to Network Sensibilities: Part I

From Network Analysis to Network Sensibilities: Part I

From Network Analysis to Network Sensibilities: Part I Annette Markham (FirstĀ  of a four-part essay on my recent thoughts about using a network perspective in qualitative studies of internet-related contexts) Maybe it’s the pretty pictures generated by big data....

Why Facebook changes matter more than we think. Part II

Why Facebook changes matter more than we think. Part II Annette Markham To continue the point I was making in my last post, I see this Facebook Timeline video (and the rest of the recent FB changes) as a wake up call of sorts. With the Timeline feature, Facebook is...

Notes from my talk in Helsinki

Notes from my talk in Helsinki Annette Markham Just finished this talk: Boundary Work: Ethnographic methods for social media research. All my talks are beginning to overlap, which is not a bad thing. Just another sign that everything relates to everything else. For my...