recent / upcoming talks

May 19, 2025
Creative methods for facilitating AI futures literacies. Keynote address for Lund University’s Series: Girls just want to have Sc(AI)nce”, Lund, Sweden

May 8, 2025
Digital and Media Literacies.
Invited Speaker for the Utrecht University Center for Digital Humanities Lecture Series
Utrecht University, the Netherlands

April 7, 2025
Beyond superficial impact narratives: Finding your own values, vocabularies, and pathways. Workshop at UU Impact Conference: Making a Difference. Societal Impact through Collaborative Research. Utrecht, the Netherlands

February 3, 2025
Challenging inevitability narratives around AI Futures. First Monday Lunch Talk. Department of Media & Culture Studies. Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands

January 27, 2025
The challenge of resisting trajectorist thinking in future studies. Seminar at University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark

December 2, 2024
Moods and other messy human challenges for datafication of future cities through “digital twins”.
Invited lecture for the Urban Futures Studio
Utrecht University, the Netherlands

November 19, 2024
AI Futures and the Value of Breaking Cycles of Certainty (tentative title)
Keynote address at “Shared Futures of AI” conference sponsored by WASP-HS: The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program Conference
Gothenburg, Sweden

November 5, 2024
Registers of vulnerability as a lens for “planetary” thinking”
Conference presentation at ITD: Inter and Transdiciplinary Conference.
Utrecht, the Netherlands

October 28, 2024
Comparing practices and mindsets of futuring: speculating vs anticipating vs forecasting vs designing futures
Invited lecture at Bristol Digital Futures Institute
Bristol University, UK

September 27, 2024
Visual Trust Practices on Social Media
Paper presentation at ECREA Conference
Ljubljana, Slovenia

July 18, 2024
Transforming methods and Responding to the Computational Turn: an agenda for the future of qualitative research
Invited Discussant, roundtable at 4S/EASST Conference
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

July 17, 2024
Aggregation and guided autoethnography: pairing typically disparate methods for expanding the scope of pattern recognition and meaning making
Paper presentation at 4S/EASST Conference
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

June 17, 2024
Society 5.0 Ethics: A Clarion Call for Technology Disrupted Futures.
Opening Keynote Address at Society 5.0 Ethics: Festival of Ideas.
Melbourne, Australia
(recording available soon)

May 29, 2024
“Doing Ethics” in the era of synthetic entities
keynote address. School of Applied Information Technology series on information ethics.
University of Gothenburg, Sweden

May 16, 2024
Guided Autoethnography as method, intervention, and critical pedagogy
Keynote address at the inaugural Qualitative Network Seminar, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

February 25, 2024
Reflexive Research Practice: Ethical methods for dealing with future complexites.
Keynote address and workshop.
Critical Digital Methods Institute and Knowledge Media Design Initiative. University of Toronto, Canada

November 11, 2023
What lies betwixt and between: Lessons on liminality from robots in the wild
Presentation of co-authored paper at the 4S annual conference
Honolulu, Hawaii

October 18, 2023
Selected History and Techniques of Situational Mapping 
Opening talk at AoIR preconference.
Annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, Philadelphia, USA

September 5, 2023
Using ethical fabrication to strengthen participant and data privacy (and why ChatGPT is not the answer)
RMIT’s Methodology Masterclass Series
Green Brain, Melbourne, Australia

August 8, 2023
Situational Analysis as Mindset and Tool 
Showcase on Digital Ethnography Methods
Green Brain, Urban Futures Symposium, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

May 31, 0223
Robot encounters in the wild: Ontological disruptions and boundary work
Fellowship lecture at MEDIT: Baltic Film and Media School
University of Tallinn, Estonia

April 17, 2023
Fabrication as Ethical Practice in the Era of AI.
Keynote address at Nord University
Bodø, Norway

March 20, 2023
Enacting methods as ethics and ethics as methods
Invited lecture for Department of Applied Information Technology
University of Gothenburg, Sweden


November 17, 2022
Identity, Data, Automation, and the Locus of Control
Keynote address at Soteria Ethics and Privacy Workshop
sponsored by Noria (Association for Protection and Promotion of local, national, and European culture
Udine/Veneto, Italy

September 29, 2022
Moodboarding: Mapping the affective aspects of living in Smart Cities
Keynote address at the Estonian Doctoral School
sponsored by Tallinn University’s Data Lab
Tallinn, Estonia (online)

September 28, 2022
Mapping the moods of the city
Talk and workshop for PlaceLab “In the Mood” Workshop Series (#2 of 4)
Brunswick, VIC, Australia

September 7, 2022
Situational Mapping
Talk and Workshop for Masterclass on “Working by hand, with what’s to hand: Creative mapping as an analytical method”
Melbourne, Australia

June 10, 2022
What is the mood of the city? Moodboarding as Method
Lecture and Workshop at Museu Del Disseny, Barcelona
part of PlaceLab, Barcelona Design Week, and New European Bauhaus

April 21, 2022
Shifting to impact models for research design: Ethical by research design
Keynote address at launch of “Learning in a Digital World”
Östersund, Sweden

March 29, 2022
Surveying a city: Methods and Futures
Featured Guest on the Mint and Burn Podcast series, with Host Kelsie Nabben and guest Alexia Maddox
Blockchain Innovation Hub, Melbourne, Australia

March 8, 2022
Enacting methods as ethics and ethics as methods
Invited lecture for Department of Applied Information Technology
University of Gothenburg, Sweden


October 8, 2021
Ethics as Method: Reviewing dilemmas and choices in an age of automated decision making
Public lecture for Digital Language Variation in Context (DiLCo) 
University of Hamburg, Germany
lecture available here: 

June 7, 2021
Autoethnography: Focus on Digital Experience
Keynote to launch a multi-day international PhD Course
Roskilde University, Denmark

April 21, 2021
The ontological insecurity of disconnecting from social media
Invited presentation for the DIGITOX Seminar Series
Oslo, Norway

April 20, 2021
Massive and Microscopic: Revising one year later
Conversation with CCRI radio program

March 3, 2021
Doing Digital Ethnography: The value of embracing the mindset more than the tools 
Invited Talk for CAMP Research Initiative
Copenhagen, Denmark

March 1, 2021
Assessing the Value of an Impact Model of Ethics for Design Practice: 
Invited Talk for an open symposium entitled: Contextual ethics for Alternative Data Futures
Aarhus, Denmark

January 28, 2021
Algorithmic Intimacies: Analyzing our interpersonal relationships with autonomous data-oriented entities
Opening keynote address at Data Intimacies Symposium
Turku, Finland
recording available on request from

January 26, 2021
Fieldwork during COVID: Returning to core principles rather than just the recent tools of ethnography
Opening keynote address for Symposium on Online Ethnography.
Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie sponsored event in Hamburg, Germany
recording available here

January 5, 2021
Digital Ethnography: Opening Keynote 
Opening keynote address for Digital Ethnography Winter School
New School, NYC and University of Toronto
recording available on request from

November 6, 2020
What is the limit of our imagination? Critical theory for automated culture (recording available here)
Keynote Address, Workshop on Critical Theory for Digital Studies
Linnaeus University, Sweden

September 23, 2020
Ethics and digital research in pandemic times (recording available here)
Keynote Address for International Conference on Qualitative Research in a Changing World

August 24, 2020
Ethics, internet research, and other matters.
Podcast interview for Between the Data. Sponsored by NVIVO

August 18, 2020
Digital ethnography during times of global trauma
Invited speaker for the Participatory IT Panel: Post COVID Empirical Methods
Aarhus University PIT Annual Summer School, Denmark

August 7, 2020
Invited Expert on Algorithmic Governance
United Nations Meeting on “Socially just transition towards sustainable development: The role of digital technologies on social development and well-being of all
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs [livestreamed, no recording available]

March 20, 2020
Ethics: The value of taking a future impact approach
Keynote address for Workshop on Research Ethics and Internet research within the Humanities.
Stockholm University, Sweden

March 2, 2020
Donate your memory here: Intervention through the Museum of Random Memory
Keynote address for TENDENCIES: Acts of Memory – Scopic Practices of Remembering and Forgetting
Lund University, Sweden


November 21, 2019
Ethics in online research: Historical moments, Key Trends, Major Concerns.
Public Lecture. Aarhus University.
Aarhus, Denmark

october 9, 2019
Ethics in online research: Broadening and focusing our approaches
Keynote for the Social Media, Ethics, and Data workshop sponsored by ANZCA and Faculty of Humanities
Adelaide, Australia

August 29, 2019
Researching ‘Life’ in the digital age.
Public Lecture. Aarhus University.
Aarhus, Denmark

August 29, 2019
Researching ‘Life’ in the digital age.
Public Lecture. Aarhus University.
Aarhus, Denmark

May 24, 2019
The ethical value of critical epistemologies
Keynote address for the Russian association of Internet Enthusiasts
National Research University, Russia

May 15, 2019
No Title. Responding to Donna Haraway. Invited short public talk at Aarhus University film screening.
Aarhus, Denmark

March 6, 2019
The ethical value of critical epistemologies: Linking ethics and methods to critical (critical theory) approaches.
Keynote address at the Critical Digital and Social Media Research Conference.
Umea, Sweden.

January 29, 2019
Ethics: The value of taking a future impact approach
Invited talk at the Department of Applied IT.
Gothenburg University, Sweden

December 12, 2018
Structuration and Ecolocation: Paired concepts for exploring micro-level impact of datafication.
Seminar for the study of everyday experiences of datafication,
Roskilde University, Denmark.

November 30, 2018
Ecolocation and other Ecological metaphors for understanding identity in the digital age.
Center for Digital Ecologies, University of Southern Denmark.
Odense, Denmark.

September 28, 2018
Locating the self through continual pings: Echolocation, connection, and disconnection.
Dis/Connection Conference.
Uppsala, Sweden

June 9, 2018
Intervention and Pedagogy as Ethical Digital Method
Keynote address at the Kyoto Symposium
Kyoto, Japan

April 16-20, 2018
Digital Media Ethnography, a week long summer school
Aarhus University, Denmark

March 19, 2018
Echolocating the self: a theory of sociality in the digital age
Invited Colloquium Series
Department of Communication, Cornell University
Ithaca, New York

October 30, 2017
Echolocating the Digital Self
Selected to speak at the DIGIMEX hosted conference on Precarious Media (Digital Existence II)
Sigtuna Foundation, Sweden
based on this brief blogpost:

October 17, 2017
An impact model of ethics
Invited lecture for the Ethical dilemmas of Internet (Research)
Short interview video here
Tartu University, Estonia

July 30, 2017
“I’m Addicted” and other sensemaking devices: a discourse analysis of self-reflections of lived experience on social media  (published here)
Social Media & Society Conference
Toronto, Canada

July 27, 2017
An impact model of ethics
Specialist meeting on Data Stewardship
Social Media Lab, Ryerson University
Toronto, Canada

May 19, 2017
Digital Research in the Public Sphere: The Reprise of Critical Theory as Public Contribution
Panel Series: Seeing and being seen, hearing and being heard: Challenges for qualitative inquiry
International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA

April 4, 2017
Reflexivity: Techniques to Build Ethical Sensitivity Into Research Methods
Symposium on Ethics in Practice in the Artistic Fields
Faculty on Fine, Applied, and Performing Arts, Gothenburg University
Gothenburg, Sweden

April 3, 2017
Posthuman methods: Getting out of your mind
Symposium: On the Methodological and Ethical Challenges of Posthumanism
Human Futures Center, Aarhus University
Aarhus, Denmark

March 7, 2017
Methods as Ethics: Challenges for studying death online
Keynote for 3rd Annual Death Online Research Symposium
Studenterhusfonden, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2-4,
Aarhus, Denmark

October 24, 2016
Creating digital artifacts for future historians and archeologists: A future oriented methodology.
The Matter of Methods Seminar & Workshop
AHO Conference Centre, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)

October 11, 2016
Identity Work: From Physical to Emotional Labor
13:00-14:30, Nobelparken Auditorium, Aarhus University

September 23, 2016
Ethnography in the Digital Era
Friday Lecture Series, Aarhus University
14:00-15:30, Incuba Great Auditorium, IT Katrineberg Campus

September 3, 2016
Anticipating data artifacts for future archeologists: A collaborative intervention project
Talk at the 4S/EESST conference in Barcelona.

August 31, 2016
Future Making: A case for research as intervention in the digital age
Public Lecture for incoming students of Information Studies & Digital Design
Peter Bøgh Auditorium, Nygaard Building, Aarhus University

June 27-July 1, 2016
Qualitative research in the digital age: Issues, methods, and ethics
various lectures over a week for a PhD course
University of Vienna, Department of Media & Communication

April 4, 2016
Life online today and tomorrow: Annette Markham on auto phenomenology, remix, and other methods for curating future memories in the digital era
Ego-Media Lecture series on Life Online To-Day and To-Morrow
Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Strand Campus, 18:30, King’s College London

March 18, 2016
Data Ethnographies: Focus on Ethics
Digital Ethnography Research Center
RMIT, Melbourne, Australia
keyword video clips

February 24, 2016
Auto-ethnographic methods for studying lived experience in the 21st Century
Lecture at Goldsmiths University
Media Ethnography Seminar Series
302 Professor Stuart Hall Building,  17:00-18:30, Goldsmiths University of London

November 30, 2015
Invited participant/speaker for the Alan Turing Institute workshop on ‘The Ethics of Data Science: The landscape for the Alan Turing Institute’
Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, UK

October 14, 2015
Title: Ethnographic evaluation of large-scale events: A matter of reframing purpose and remixing outcomes
Symposium on Ethnography and its Audiences
Swedish Center for Applied Cultural Analysis (SCACA)
Halmstad University, Sweden

September 17, 18, 2015
Title: Getting people to be their own participant observers: Ethnographic techniques for reaching richness in social media contexts
The Research Network on Digital Interaction (Digin)
University of Turku, Finland

July 12, 2015
Title: Building better ethics for the digital [near] future
Keynote speaker. ProCOMM 2015, IEEE International Professional Communication Conference
University of Limerick, Ireland

May 6, 2015, 4:00 p.m. EDT
Title: “Ethics”: Maybe that’s not the best word to use anymore.
Microsoft Research Colloquium Series, One Memorial Parkway, Cambridge, MA

April 28, 2015
Title: Situational analysis as tool for digital culture research
Guest lecture for methods course at MIT’s department of Comparative Media Studies
Cambridge, MA

April 16, 2015, 2:30 p.m. GMT
Title: Disrupting top down frameworks for ethics: A proactive approach to ‘doing the right thing’ in digital research.  Plenary Speaker at The Ethics of Online Research Methods. Two-day event held by BAAL Special interest group on language and new media
Cardiff, UK

November 21, 2014
Title: Algorithmic identities: complexities, methods, and possibilities
Keynote speaker. Social Psychology Days, 2014
University of Helsinki, Finland

November 7, 2014
Title: Produsing ethics for the digital near future
Invited speaker at the 4th Annual Digital Ethics Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago

October 22, 2014
Title: Figuring Control in the Algorithmic Era: A paradox of relations, desires, invisibilities, and illusions
Panel presentation at the IR15: Boundaries and Intersections. Annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers
Daegu, South Korea

September 17, 2014
Title: Enacting post phenomenological methods
Talk and workshop for the PhD course on Post Phenomenology
Aarhus University, Denmark

August 1, 2014
Title: Exploring algorithmic futures: Mixing fieldwork, fragmented narratives, & critical code studies.
Media Futures Panel, EASA Biennial conference.
Tallin, Estonia.

May 14, 2014
Title:  Can we get beyond ‘data’? Questioning the dominance of a core term in scientific inquiry. (a nice summary of my talk here)
Keynote Speaker at Digital Scholarship Day of Ideas
Digital HSS,
University of Edinburgh, Scotland

May 13, 2014
Title: Remix(ing) methods, remix(ing) disciplines: Provocations for grappling with complexity in digitally-saturated research contexts.
Keynote Speaker at FECCI Research Conference
Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland

May 8, 2014
Title: Remix(ing) Culture, Remix(ing) Methods: Provocations for creative innovation in internet inquiry
Research talk at Oxford Digital Ethnography Group, Oxford Internet Institute
Oxford University, UK

April 11, 2014
Title: Algorithmic Identity: Networks, data, and the terrible beauty of the black box
Seminar Series on Pathways to Meaning
Umea University, Sweden

March 14, 2014
Title: Metaphors, frames, and other analytical tools: A hands-on workshop
Seminar Series on Pathways to Meaning
Umea University, Sweden

March 13, 2014
Title: Remix(ing) methods to explore complexity in digital gender studies
Keynote Address: conference on Digital Gender: Theory, Methodology, & Practice.
HUMlabX, Umeå University, Sweden

February 21, 2014
Title: Reframing fieldwork in social contexts of complexity
Seminar Series on Pathways to Meaning
MIT Huset 13:00
Umea University, Sweden

December 9, 2013
Title: Fieldwork in social media: What would Malinowski do?
Keynote Address: Innovation in Digital Culture Research
IN3: Interdisciplinary Internet Institute, Barcelona, Catalonia

December 6, 2013
Title: Writing Snowflakes: Crystalline metaphors for innovative writing strategies
Seminar Series on Pathways to Meaning
Umea University, Sweden

October 14-18, 2013
Title: Social Science 2.0:  Methods and ethics for qualitative digital inquiry (4 day PhD course)
University of Tartu, Estonia

October 2-5, 2013
Keynote Address: What Would Malinowski Do?  Reframing fieldwork for 21st Century contexts
University of Bonn, Germany
Digital Culture and Communication Workshop

September 27, 2013
Title: Resisting the [big] data-fication of everyday life: Methodological provocations
Seminar Series on Pathways to Meaning
Umea University, Sweden

September 20, 2013
Title: Writing as a way of knowing: A PhD workshop
Aarhus University, Denmark

September 15, 2013
Title: Remixing and mediated memory
Workshop: Methods of Analysis in Ethnographic Studies of Mediated Memories
Ørecomm Festival 2013, Roskilde (& Malmö & Copenhagen)

August 27-30, 2013
Pathways to Meaning (3-day PhD course offered with Lori Kendall)
Aarhus University, Denmark

April 5, 2013
Methods and Ethics: Doctoral workshop
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Information Policy Research

March 14, 2013
Title: Epistemology, frames, ethics, and remix: Outlining an STS approach for understanding life online
Workshop/Seminar at Drexel University
Life Online: The Ethics and Methods of Conducting Research in a Digital Age

November 16, 2012
Title: Interpretive ethnography in digital social media contexts
MA Programme for Media and Global Communication
University of Helsinki

November 7, 2012
PhD course for University of Oslo, Oslo Media Innovation Center
Title: Researching Media Innovations–Approaches to users, producers, and texts

October 29, 2012
Loyola University, Chicago
Digital Ethics Conference

October 17-23, 2012
Salford, UK
Association of Internet Researchers conference
Title: The ‘other’ ethics

October 16, 2012
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Center for Communication and Computing
Title: Representation vs. invention in the age of endless data: Looking closely at methodological and ethical choices

September 23-26, 2012
University of Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Communication and Aesthetics
Visual Methods PhD course

July 2-6, 2012
University of Sorbonne, Paris, France
Cultural Crossroads 2012 Conference
Title: Play in the Field: Methods for breaking frame and getting closer to Affect in mediatized social contexts

June 27, 2012
Denver, Colorado
EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology
Graduate Student Conference

June 17-23, 2012
Ascona, Switzerland
University of Basel Summer School on CMC Methodology
Title: Research on computer-mediated communication in linguistics

June 6, 2012
Sheffield, UK
University of Sheffield workshop on Creativity and Methods
Title:  Remix: A lens for rethinking research methods

May 16, 2012
Champaign Urbana, Illinois, USA
International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry
Title: Remix Cultures, Remix Methods: Reframing Qualitative Inquiry for Social Media Contexts

February 3, 2012
Arizona State University
Title: Private publics: Building reflexive ethical methods for protecting participants in social media

November 29, 2011
University of Copenhagen
Title: Social Media & Ethnography: Taking a practice approach to method

November 24, 2011
University of Barcelona
Cultura Digital: Pràctiques Innovadores i Teories Crítiques
Title: Remix Methods: Finding resonance through bricolage

November 21, 2011
University of Manchester, UK
Postgraduate workshop on Internet Research Ethics
Title: Ethics and Internet Research

October 28, 2011
Loyola University, Chicago, IL
International Symposium on Digital Media Ethics
Title: Protecting participants in private digital publics: Considerations for the ethics of fabrication

October 2011
AOIR Annual Conference in Seattle, WA
Title: Fabrication as Ethical Research Practice

September 14, 2011
Media & Communication Studies Department
University of Helsinki, Finland
Title: Social Media Research: Issues, Challenges, & Methods

September 9, 2011
Workshop: Umeå University, Sweden
Title: Analysis in qualitative research: Rigor, reflexivity, and adaptation

September 8, 2011
Umeå University, Sweden
Seminar for the Department of Informatics
Title: Fabrication and other Creative Ethical Solutions for Internet Research

September 6, 2011
Umeå University, Sweden
Guest Lecture for the Qualitative Methods Network
Title: Remix Culture: Remix Methods

September 2, 2011
Westminster University, London
Conference: Transforming Audiences 3
Title: Remix Culture: Remix Methods

June 9, 2011
Aarhus University, Denmark
Workshop on Remix(ed) Culture, Remix(ed) Methods
Title: Remix, Fabrication: An Ethical Shift

May 9-12, 2011
Aarhus University, Denmark
Pathways to Meaning: Analytical tools for Qualitative data analysis
PhD course (with Lori Kendall)

May 5, 2011
Gothenburg, Sweden
What’s Wrong with Goffman? Symbolic Interaction and Digital Media

April 14, 2011
Aarhus University, Denmark
Center for Internet Research Seminar
Network Analysis

April 6, 2011
Aarhus University, Denmark
PhD Workshop
Writing as Method

March 23, 2011
Lund University, Sweden
HEX Digital Cultures Lecture Series
Remix Ethnography

March 18, 2011
Aarhus University, Denmark
Friday Lecture
Emergent Methods in Social Media Research

March 9, 2011
Aarhus, Denmark
STS Seminar: Analyzing IT, Organization, and Agency
Multi-Sited Ethnography