Complications of social (research) contexts in the 21st Century
The past three decades mark tremendous growth in digital social interaction, from early experiments in virtual reality, text-based communities, and role playing games to today’s saturation in social media, where we are always on, tethered to mobile devices, enacting what Nielson in 2012 labeled “Generation C” (for connected)…
Remix as a Lens for Interpretive Qualitative Methods
The form and cultural practice of remix offers a lens through which we may be able to better grapple with the complexity of social contexts characterized by ubiquitous internet, always-connected mobile devices, dense global communication networks, fragments of information flow, and temporal and ad hoc community formations.
Qualitative Analysis as Sensory Performance
Qualitative Analysis as Sensory Performance Annette Markham I am reading about synaesthesia, the blending or blurring of senses that happens when one becomes particularly attenuated to a way of knowing that eludes a single sense. I've been thinking about...
Deconstructing the term “Fieldwork”
Particularly in digital contexts, the activities of fieldwork must be so radically adjusted, they hardly resemble fieldwork anymore. How much do we have to shave the square peg of ‘participant observation’ to fit it into the round hole of Twitter? And how can I take seriously someone who doesn’t problematize this practice or the outcomes?
Interaction in digital contexts: persistent characteristics
Interaction in digital contexts: persistent characteristics Annette Markham How does digital media influence the enactment of self, the interplay of self and other, and the construction of meaning in context? This is a key question in thinking about the...
Symbolic Interaction, Network Analysis, and Social Media
Symbolic Interaction, Network Analysis, and Social Media Annette Markham Simon Lindgren and I have finally finished a draft of a new article. Forthcoming, after revisions, in Studies in Symbolic Interaction, volume 39 (anticipated 2012). Any comments...
Fair use of images in scholarly publishing
Fair use of images in scholarly publishing Annette Markham Fair use of images in scholarly publishing is an important issue to put on the front burner. As Patricia Aufderheide and her colleagues at American University's Center for Social Media remind us,...
Dramaturgical Approach: What’s different about digital experience?
Dramaturgical Approach: What's different about digital experience? Annette Markham I'm working on a chapter on Dramaturgy and Digital Experience and I'm working out how to structure the frame for the piece. I thought it might be useful to brainstorm here,...
Part IV: From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern
Part IV: From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern Annette Markham (From network analysis to network sensibilities: Part IV) Part I Part II Part III Part IV here The study of networks is not just the study of how things are connected. It is a way of...