Situational Mapping
Situational Mapping fosters a greater sensitivity to elements influencing fieldwork, including the researcher’s position, movement, and connections.
Losing your sense of self: Ontological Insecurity
Whether long-lived or momentary, ontological insecurity is associated with intense existential disorientation. To explore how this is connected to echolocation, it’s useful to go back to a core question such as: How do we recognize ourselves?
A brief summary of ontological security
ontological security is a sense of stability that emerges in response to the need to experience oneself as a whole, continuous person in time rather than constantly changing.
5 things I think about writing and publishing (academically speaking)
For me, writing isn’t easy. I don’t publish very much, partly because it is difficult. Here are some things I think about publishing (at least at this stage of the game)
metaphors of internet: coming soon to a bookshelf near you!
The Internet has disappeared. This exceptional book brings it back into focus – through richly illustrated histories, artworks, and reflections. Metaphors of Internet – Ways of Being in the Age of Ubiquity is now available
qualitative research is….
Qualitative research involves the logics of both inductive and deductive thinking. These are not binary opposite concepts, but rather moments, cycles of thinking and sensemaking.