What is Remix? A research method oriented sketch

Remix is a term that came into usage in the late 20th century to refer to the practice and product of taking samples form audio tracks and putting them together in new and creative ways.

Qualitative Analysis as Sensory Performance

Qualitative Analysis as Sensory Performance Annette Markham I am reading about synaesthesia, the blending or blurring of senses that happens when one becomes particularly attenuated to a way of knowing that eludes a single sense.  I’ve been thinking about this...

Deconstructing the term “Fieldwork”

Particularly in digital contexts, the activities of fieldwork must be so radically adjusted, they hardly resemble fieldwork anymore. How much do we have to shave the square peg of ‘participant observation’ to fit it into the round hole of Twitter? And how can I take seriously someone who doesn’t problematize this practice or the outcomes?

From Network Analysis to Network Sensibilities: Part I

From Network Analysis to Network Sensibilities: Part I

From Network Analysis to Network Sensibilities: Part I Annette Markham (First  of a four-part essay on my recent thoughts about using a network perspective in qualitative studies of internet-related contexts) Maybe it’s the pretty pictures generated by big data....

Kenneth Gergen, on the way from Goffman to Method as Ethic.

Kenneth Gergen, on the way from Goffman to Method as Ethic. Annette Markham …or, similar song, different decade. Today, in thinking about research methods, I am thinking about symbolic interactionist practices, Goffman and the performance of everyday life, and...